Why You Should Go To That Interview (Even if You Don’t Want To)

Why You Should Go To That Interview (Even if You Don’t Want To)

“Ugh, I got called in for an interview on Friday, but I don’t really want to go,” a friend moaned to me last week. In a moment of job search desperation, she had applied for a dozen or so jobs—some of which she was only mildly interested in—and had been called back by one of those companies. “I just don’t think it’s right for me.”

Sound familiar? Most of us have been there at some point. Maybe you were initially excited about the position, but after doing further research or finding other opportunities, you’re just not that into it anymore. Maybe a friend is pressuring you to “just go talk to the recruiter!” at the new company she’s joined. Or maybe you’d simply prefer to spend that precious half-day off work getting a massage instead of sitting in a windowless conference room.

I get it, and I’ve been there, too. But I’ll give you the same advice I gave my friend: Go anyway.

That’s right. Even if the mere thought of ironing your interview suit is making you feel ill, there are at least three good reasons why you should suck it up and go. (Besides the fact that, you know, you may run into the hiring manager down the road.)

You Might Find a Hidden Gem

A couple of years ago, a recruiter called me to interview at a small healthcare publication. Was it my dream job? Not even close—in fact, it sounded sort of boring. But I was qualified for it, and I was looking for a new job, so I decided to interview anyway. “This should be quick,” I commented to my husband as I walked out the door. “I’m pretty sure this place is going to suck.”

But you know what? It didn’t suck—not even a little bit. In fact, the office was gorgeous, the people who worked there were awesome, and the company had a fun, start-upy vibe that I loved. The position was right up my alley—and if I had blown the interview off, I would have missed out on the opportunity.

The truth is, you can’t judge a book by its cover—er, a position by its job description. That “boring” corporate gig might land you in the middle of a brilliant and fun-loving team, or that nonprofit position that “probably won’t pay much” just might surprise you. I’ve had plenty of friends who’ve gone through the motions of interviewing for positions they thought they weren’t thrilled about and ended up with amazing job offers they couldn’t refuse.

Practice Makes Perfect

OK, so not every position will be a hidden gem. But a less-than-exciting interview can still be great practice for landing your dream job. After all, even if you’ve crafted flawless responses to “Tell me about yourself” and “What’s a recent challenge you’ve faced?” and recited them to your roommate more times than she’d like to count, nothing beats putting your skills into real-life practice.

What’s more, you might face interview situations you didn’t even think to prepare for. Especially if you haven’t been job searching in a while, you might not realize that writing tests are now the norm in your field or that many employers want you to meet with the people you’ll be managing, for example. The more interview settings, interviewer personalities, and interview questions you’re exposed to, the more prepared you’ll be when you finally land that awesome meeting with your dream company.

You’ll Get Insider Info 

Finally, think about each interview as an opportunity to hone in on what hiring managers are really looking for. Paying attention to the specific questions the interviewer is asking about your background and the skills she’s most interested in will give you a good sense of how to shine in future interviews.

For example, if you’re interviewing for a marketing gig and the panel is super impressed by your tech skills—that might be something to focus on more next time. If the hiring manager is confused by a certain aspect of your resume, you can finesse that section before applying to other jobs. (I once had an interviewer point out a typo in my cover letter—definitely never made that mistake again!)

Also, at the risk of sounding like a stalker, an interview is a great chance to get a little inside info on how other companies do things. At almost every interview I’ve gone on, I’ve gleaned some interesting tidbit that I could take back to my current job by asking things like, “What types of systems does the team use here?” or, “How have you dealt with some of the recent changes in our field?” Free, easy industry advice—and you don’t have to tell your boss where you got it.

No, going to an interview you’re not totally stoked about is never going to be all that exciting. But, if you treat the hour (or two, or three) you’re there as a learning experience, it’s definitely worth your time. And—take it from me—you just might be surprised and find a gig you really love.


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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Recruitment-in-Cyprus--236x168.jpg
    Oct 26, 2018
    Recruitment in Cyprus

    Recruitment in Cyprus - Thoughts and Ideas from Advance Career Team Read the detailed interview published on TopJobsCyprus website and share your comments and ideas!..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Avoid-toxic-team-members-236x168.png
    Sep 28, 2018
    Avoid Toxic Team Members

    Are You Hiring a 'Team' Player -- or Someone Just Looking out for No. 1? How can leaders make sure they're not unwittingly inviting a..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/77-236x168.jpg
    Aug 31, 2018
    Enhancing your job search

    How To Bounce Back When The Job Search Gets You Down With a dream job in mind, an updated résumé in hand and responses to..

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    Aug 17, 2018
    Social media can cost…

    When 'What Happens In Vegas' Ends Up In Your Job Search   What happens in Vegas really doesn’t stay there. That “funny” picture about that..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/hiring-236x168.jpg
    Jul 6, 2018
    Hiring the right people?

    5 Steps to Hiring the Right People for Your Business "Hire slow, fire fast" is great advice, but it's not always easy to follow. The..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/experience-or-talent-236x168.png
    Jun 15, 2018
    Experience or Talent?

    When to Hire Raw Talent vs. Job Experience Experience is a must for some jobs, but people with raw talent offer unique benefits. You have..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Employee-Onboarding-Strategies-236x168.jpg
    May 11, 2018
    Employee Onboarding Strategies

    Seven New Onboarding Strategies You'll See This Year According to a study from Equifax, more than half of all employees who left their job in..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/woman-Working-on-laptop-236x168.jpg
    Mar 16, 2018
    Don’t Shuffle People Into…

    Don't Shuffle People Into the Wrong Job Just Because They're Already on the Payroll You grow your company by putting proven performers where you need..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/man-climbing-stairs-to-heaven_1154-38-236x168.png
    Jun 30, 2017
    Career Development

    Think Strategically About Your Career Development In a world where the average employee sends and receives 122 emails per day and attends an average of..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/business-team-lying-on-floor-and-clapping-236x168.png
    Jun 16, 2017
    Diversity and Inclusion

    Diversity Doesn’t Stick Without Inclusion Leaders have long recognized that a diverse workforce of women, people of color, and LGBT individuals confers a competitive edge..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/jobline-blog-8-3-236x168.jpg
    May 8, 2017
    Interview Preparation

    Interviews are generally regarded as the primary decision-making event in any recruitment process. Regardless of your academic credentials or career thus far, it is crucial..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/jobline-blog-9-3-236x168.jpg
    Apr 3, 2017
    Interview questions you have…

    Studies have shown that structured interviewing is more than twice as reliable a predictor of future employee performance than unstructured interviewing. That is why most..

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