3 Practical Ways to Be More Productive

3 Practical Ways to Be More Productive

Early in my corporate career, I was masterful at replying to emails instantaneously and staying on top of the multitude of requests I received from colleagues, vendors — and truthfully — anyone with my email address. There was an odd satisfaction in powering through my inbox. I felt entirely in control.

It was 2009, and as a newly minted pharmaceutical sales rep, I believed this attitude was a marker of success. To some degree, it served me well. I was highly attentive to customers, viewed as reliable by my team, and could deliver on any ad-hoc requests from the leaders who worked at the head office.

My success fed my false belief that when something works once, it will work again and again. As a recent grad, at the start of my career, it was easy to fall prey to this thinking. I had hit a homerun in my first at-bat. It wasn’t until a few years later, when I was offered a senior role and my responsibilities grew, that I saw how flawed my “always-on” approach had become.

Simply put, I observed many successful leaders doing the exact opposite of what I was doing — creating clear boundaries around their time and space. My boat was taking on water at every turn, while theirs seemed to float effortlessly across the calm surface.

What was I doing wrong?

My manager was direct with her feedback: “You need to change how you manage your time, so that you can focus on high priorities first. You aren’t delivering on what’s expected, and what I’m seeing is a lot of busywork, but few tangible outcomes.”

She was right. I struggled to move projects forward because I was trying to do it all. I would spend hours in my inbox, replying to low-value emails, rather than tackling the more challenging, but more important, tasks.

Over the years — through my career and the executives, authors, and thought leaders I speak to on The New Leader podcast — I’ve picked up several valuable lessons about how successful people manage their time and energy at work.

Here are three practical examples that can help you pressure test your current approach, recalibrate, and accomplish more (while lowering stress).

Live by your calendar, not your inbox.
On my podcast, I make it a point to ask every guest this question, “What’s one tool you use to stay on top of things and be productive?” The most common response I’ve heard? A calendar.

It’s arguably the most effective tool to maximize your time because it’s finite. It challenges you to be critical in scheduling, and acts as an inbox filter for what’s truly a priority — you cannot fit every email request into your calendar, so force ranking becomes necessary. Of course, working from your inbox or making long to-do lists can be fun, because of the dopamine hit you get from “checking” another item off the list. But if those items don’t translate into practical time in your day, they become extra sources of stress.

As I progressed in my career, I was fortunate enough to observe skilled professionals around me and change my approach. Instead of getting sucked into the email vortex and responding reactively each week, I started to organize my calendar first, based on priority. On Sundays, I dedicated 30 minutes to scheduling my upcoming week. I blocked off empty pockets of time on my calendar during which I could do heads down work and focus my energy on high priority tasks or key projects (usually between 9am – 12:30pm, two to three days a week).

This approach helped me in two ways:

I felt much more confident and in control of my week, as I knew where I had to focus.
My output started to improve. Instead of just working through my emails and responding to urgencies, I was doing what I was hired to do — deliver results.
You can do the same, by creating calendar pockets that align to your optimal state, or the times of day when you feel most focused and energized.

Pro tip: Find your ultradian rhythm.
Most of us are familiar with the concept of circadian rhythm, but there is also a lesser-known concept called ultradian rhythm that plays a key role in determining our energy levels.
In the 1960s, sleep researcher Nathaniel Kleitman discovered what he called the “basic rest-activity cycle” — 90-minute periods at night in which we move through various sleep patterns (from light to deep, and so on). He also observed the same 90-minute periods occurring during the day, when we move between higher and lower levels of alertness. He called this pattern the ultradian rhythm.

To find your ultradian rhythm, ask yourself, “When do I have the most energy and focus during the day? When do I start to fade and hit a wall?” Your calendar pockets should reflect the cycles when your mind is most fertile. For me, that was from 9:00 am to 10:30 am and 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, with a 30-minute break in between. If my day went sideways in the afternoon, I experienced less stress knowing I was effective when it mattered.

As a young professional, employing this approach can demonstrate to senior leaders that you are capable, efficient, and honing an important skill for future roles.

Think in waves.
If leveraging our calendars is a micro strategy, thinking in waves can be considered a macro one. I recently interviewed author, professor and HBR contributor, Dorie Clark about her new book, Playing the Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World. She revealed the notion of “thinking in waves,” an approach for making smart choices about where to allocate your time.

The essence is that you cannot accomplish everything right now, so instead begin thinking longer term and approach your time in six- to 12-month phases. Clark told me, “This approach enables me to focus when needed, cluster similar tasks (to lessen the cognitive load of multitasking), and stay refreshed by changing my routines.”

Basically, the advice here is to take the long view. Look at the goals you need to accomplish over the next year, prioritize what is most important, and cut or reschedule the ones that can be moved back to avoid overwhelming yourself.

For example, let’s say you are a product manager with a launch date happening six months from now. That project will likely constitute a reasonable wave of committed, heads-down work. Where you can veer off track is trying to deliver on that product launch while also trying to join a committee, learn a new instrument, and train for an intensive athletic endeavor. You may end up spreading yourself too thin instead of focusing on your main priority.

All things can be done well, but not all at once.

Pro tip: Distinguish “heads up” work from “heads down” work.
The whole concept of thinking in waves originates from a concept called “heads up, heads down” first articulated by Jared Kleinert. As professionals working in a fast-paced world, we can easily get distracted or pulled off course. Knowing when to be in heads up mode vs. heads down mode, “enables you to leverage the power of focus to your advantage,” Clark said.
For instance, perhaps you are new to an industry or organization. Begin by focusing on the important “heads down” work to get a feel for your role. Your first six months can be a learning wave (studying your field, building new skills), followed by a creation wave (sharing your insights within the company, publishing content on LinkedIn).

After a year of heads down work, it’s now time to shift into “heads up” mode. For the next 12 months, you can focus on building your network by attending conferences, webinars, or speaking at workshops. Looking back over this two-year period, you have now built some solid career pillars while others are still worrying about what to do next.

The key here is to avoid short-term thinking and play the long game.

Don’t fight the truth of time.
No matter how hard we try, there are only 24 hours in a day. Overplanning creates an ecosystem whereby we are constantly moving from task-to-task and draining ourselves in the process.

Productivity expert Dave Crenshaw, who had the most popular LinkedIn Learning course of 2020, put it this way, “It has been taught that happiness comes from spending one dollar less than what you have, and misery comes from spending one dollar more than what you have. When you overspend with money, you go into debt and have to pay interest. It is the same with time.”

I’d never considered the concept of time bankruptcy before reading Dave’s work. It gave me pause. I began embracing the concept of under spending time, viewing it as a positive marker to my overall health and well-being. When I shifted my mindset in this way, I was less riddled with guilt when stepping outside for fresh air or refilling my water bottle while doing a few stretches between virtual meetings. Before, I was playing a constant game of catch-up (“I can never find the time!’).

Dave summarizes it well, “Be at peace with the truth of time. Learn to accept it as the immovable truth that it is. It allows you to feel time wealthy, and smoothly manage unexpected emergencies.”

Pro tip: Start small.
While it may be impossible to ditch a back-to-back meeting schedule overnight, there are things you can do.
A great starting point is to build buffers into your schedule to avoid overplanning. Start small, inserting 15-minute blocks into your day that act as protected time. Carving out these small moments creates space to catch your breath.

Another approach is to protect your time fiercely. At work, we often get roped into ad-hoc conversations or projects because they sound fun or interesting in the moment (or because we struggle with saying no). But the reality is that no one is going to protect your time for you. That’s your responsibility.

The next time you find yourself facing an ask that encroaches on your time, try responding with, “I have a timeline I am working on right now — can we speak later?” Odds are, that person may seek out someone else if it’s urgent, absolving you from yet another distraction. If it’s truly you that they need, you can arrange to connect when it best suits you. By setting boundaries, you indicate to the other person that you are willing to engage but know how to prioritize like a pro.

Keep in mind that time management isn’t a one-time activity. You’ll have to adjust your approach and see what works for you over time. The above strategies are a great way to start. Give yourself permission to use them — your work (and your life) will be better for it.


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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/It’s-Time-To-Take-Control-Of-Your-Career-1-236x168.jpg
    Jul 24, 2020
    It’s Time To Take…

    It’s Time To Take Control Of Your Career Why do so many people wind up in jobs that they regret, even when faced with so..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/10-Things-You-Need-To-Know-To-Win-In-Business-And-Life-236x168.jpg
    Jul 17, 2020
    10 Things You Need…

    10 Things You Need To Know To Win In Business And Life “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Landed-Out-Of-Work-Ten-Ways-To-Reset-Your-Mindset-236x168.jpg
    Jul 10, 2020
    Landed Out Of Work?…

    Landed Out Of Work? Ten Ways To Reset Your Mindset If you've been furloughed or laid off in recent months, you’re in the company of..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Hire-Me-236x168.jpg
    Jun 26, 2020
    Recruiters Share 9 Mistakes…

    Recruiters Share 9 Mistakes Job Seekers Are Making Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic Beyond the enormous human toll coronavirus has had over the past few weeks,..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Your-Words-Have-Impact-So-Think-Before-You-Speak-236x168.jpg
    Jun 19, 2020
    Your Words Have Impact,…

    Your Words Have Impact, So Think Before You Speak Do you know of those people who fly off the handle without stopping to think about..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/3-Tips-For-Applying-To-Jobs-In-A-Different-Industry-236x168.jpg
    May 29, 2020
    3 Tips For Applying…

    In a difficult job market, you may find yourself needing to consider job openings that wouldn’t be on your radar during normal times. While all..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Job-Hunt-during-crisis-236x168.jpg
    Apr 24, 2020
    Job Hunt During Crisis

    How To Job Hunt During The Coronavirus Pandemic Caroline CastrillonContributorCareersI write about career, entrepreneurship and women’s advancement. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, over..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Working-Remotely-236x168.jpg
    Mar 13, 2020
    The Art Of Working…

    The Art Of Working Remotely: How To Ensure Productivity Working remotely isn’t a new concept. People in all kinds of career fields have been doing..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Effective-Jobsearch-236x168.jpg
    Mar 6, 2020
    Effective Job Search

    The Key To Carrying Out A Productive And Effective Job Search In my experience as a career coach, I have found that people who are..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Promote-Yourself-236x168.jpg
    Jan 31, 2020
    Promote Yourself Right!

    3 Ways To Promote Yourself And Advance Your Career For Free In today’s digital world, if you don’t have a stellar social media presence, you..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Hiring-without-a-Resume-236x168.jpg
    Jan 24, 2020
    Hire Without A Resume

    Hire Without Looking At A Resume We’re all more than what’s on our resume. But while a lot of leaders pay lip service to that..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Meeting-Donts-236x168.jpg
    Jan 17, 2020
    Meeting Don’ts

    8 Things You Should Not Do In Meetings Meetings are perhaps the most powerful personal branding tool there is—when you master them. They also make..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Soft-skills-236x168.jpg
    Jan 10, 2020
    Soft Skills

    What Are The Top 10 Soft Skills For The Future Of Work? The future of work is likely to herald a wide range of new..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/2020-Resolution-Hacks-236x168.jpg
    Jan 3, 2020
    2020 Resolution Hacks

    Resolution Hacks That Actually Work It’s that time of year again, when we all make New Year's resolutions. But will this year be any different..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/work-life-balance-236x168.jpg
    Dec 13, 2019
    Work-Life Integration

    Move Over, Work-Life Balance. Hello, Work-Life ‘Integration’ As a busy executive, Margaret Keane has had to find creative ways to fit time with her family..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/december-job-search1-236x168.jpg
    Dec 6, 2019
    December Job Search

    3 Things You Need To Know About A December Job Search It’s impossible to predict what the 2020 job market will have in store for..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Job-Offer-Management-236x168.jpg
    Nov 29, 2019
    Job Offer Management

    How To Turn Down A Job Offer Without Burning Bridges Sometimes you have to make the difficult decision to turn down a job offer. It’s..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Trasferable-Skills-1-236x168.jpg
    Nov 15, 2019
    Transferable Skills

    How To Prove You Can Do The Job, Even Without Direct Experience "Tell me about a time you...." As a career switcher, you may be..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Career-Challenges-236x168.jpg
    Nov 8, 2019
    Career Challenges

    7 Unexpected Career Detours That Can Benefit You When most professionals introduce themselves or create a LinkedIn profile, they appear to have a smooth, well-planned..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Advance-Your-Career-236x168.jpg
    Nov 1, 2019
    Advance Your Career!

    Four Myths You Should Ignore If You Want To Advance Your Career In today’s competitive corporate landscape, standing still is equivalent to moving backward. No..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Personal-Branding-236x168.jpg
    Oct 11, 2019
    Personal Branding

    Six Sacred Rules For Personal Branding In The Digital World Everything has gone digital – including you. The move to all things digital may have..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/October-Job-Search-236x168.jpg
    Oct 4, 2019
    October Job Search

    3 Things You Need To Know About An October Job Search Seasonal timing has a large impact on a job search. It can work in..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Belonging-at-Work-236x168.png
    Sep 20, 2019
    Belonging At Work

    Belonging At Work Is Essential—Here Are 4 Ways To Foster It In the complex study of human psychology, one finding is remarkably consistent: our well-being..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/job-search-pitfalls-236x168.jpg
    Sep 13, 2019
    Job Search Pitfalls

    How To Avoid The Five Emotional Pitfalls Of A Job Search Spoiler alert: your job search will be anxiety-inducing, frustrating, and at times, painful. It..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Back-to-work-236x168.png
    Sep 6, 2019
    Back to Work

    Summer's Over: Here's Why It's The Best Time For Job Seekers And Hiring Managers To Act Now Labor Day has come and gone, which means..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Great-First-Impression-1-236x168.jpg
    Aug 23, 2019
    Great First Impression

    How To Make A Great First Impression At Your New Job You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count...

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Purpose-And-Values-236x168.png
    Aug 16, 2019
    Purpose And Values

    How To Connect With Your Company's Purpose And Values Some employees feel fully inspired by their company's mission, vision and values. But they don’t just mindlessly glug the Kool-Aid—they connect on a deep,..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Job-Search-During-Holidays-236x168.jpg
    Aug 9, 2019
    Holiday Season Job Search

    4 Reasons You Should Keep Up Your Job Search During the Holidays Now that the holidays are upon us, you may be considering taking a..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/After-The-Interview-236x168.jpg
    Aug 2, 2019
    After the Interview

    What Not To Do After A Job Interview The waiting period after a job interview can be one of the most stressful times. You’ve done..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Attitude-vs-IQ-236x168.jpg
    Jul 19, 2019
    Attitude vs IQ

    Why Attitude Is More Important Than IQ When it comes to success, it’s easy to think that people blessed with brains are inevitably going to..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/video-interviewing-236x168.png
    Jul 12, 2019
    Video Interviewing Tips

    Video Interviewing: Lights, Camera -- But No Connection Nothing screams “personal” more than you on a 20-inch video monitor, beaming in from a remote location..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/369404-PB1FUT-183-236x168.jpg
    Jul 5, 2019
    Overloaded And Overwhelmed?

    Overloaded And Overwhelmed? Four Things You Can Control When Your Workload Is Out Of Control Our research indicates a terrifying 43% of knowledge workers do..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/successful-people-236x168.png
    Jun 28, 2019
    Successful People

    13 Difficult Things Highly Successful People Learn To Do Young To invent a product, turn a profit or start a business is to be accomplished. To..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Career-Summer-Checkup-236x168.jpg
    Jun 14, 2019
    Career Summer Checkup

    A Career Summer Checkup For Professional Growth Whether you’re graduating college or gearing up for your first fiscal year-end performance conversation, the summer months represent..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Thrive-at-work-236x168.png
    May 31, 2019
    Thrive At Work

    6 Steps To Unleash Your Inner Polymath And Thrive At Work In a previous article I explored some of the virtues of striving for a..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/How-to-Evaluate-Accept-Reject-or-Negotiate-a-Job-Offer-236x168.jpg
    May 10, 2019
    How to Evaluate, Accept,…

    Congratulations! You got the job. Now for the hard part: deciding whether to accept it or not. How should you assess the salary as well..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Great-employees-236x168.png
    May 3, 2019
    Great Employees

    What It Takes To Be A Great Employee: The Parable Of The Oranges Being a great employee pays off with better positions, higher pay, and..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Your-First-Job-236x168.png
    Apr 25, 2019
    Your first Job

    10 Essential Strategies To Succeed In Your First Job Congratulations, graduate! After the exhausting and stressful process of finishing school, searching for and landing your..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Starting-a-New-Job-236x168.png
    Apr 19, 2019
    Starting a New Job?

    When You Start a New Job, Pay Attention to These 5 Aspects of Company Culture When you join an organization, you have a short window..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/How-To-Escape-Procrastination-236x168.png
    Apr 12, 2019
    How To Escape Procrastination

    How To Escape The Procrastination Doom Loop When you imagine a highly productive person, you likely think of someone who focuses effortlessly on the job..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/career-setback-236x168.jpg
    Mar 15, 2019
    Things Happen!

    Here's How To Recover From A Career Setback Whether you’ve botched an interview question, cancelled an important meeting last-minute or missed a typo in an..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Are-you-Sabotaging-Your-Job-Search-236x168.png
    Feb 27, 2019
    Sabotaging your job search?

    8 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Job Search Following certain best practices can make or break you in your quest for the right job. Some bad..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Tips-for-Effective-Meeting-236x168.png
    Feb 8, 2019
    Tips for Effective Meetings

    10 Tips for an Effective Meeting

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Your-Social-Media-Profile-236x168.png
    Feb 1, 2019
    Your Social Media Profile

    Here’s what recruiters look for on a candidate’s social media profile Maintaining the right balance between being professional and being yourself on social media can..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/job-interview-1-1-236x168.jpg
    Jan 18, 2019
    Things You Should Never…

    14 Things You Should Never, Ever Say In A Job Interview It’s always intimidating to interview for a new job, whether you’re fresh out of..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/The-Why-You-Left-Question-236x168.jpg
    Jan 11, 2019
    Reasons for Leaving?

    How To Answer Why You Left (Or Want to Leave) Your Employer If you want the job, don't reveal this. Job interviews are designed to..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/good-LinkedIn-236x168.jpg
    Jan 4, 2019
    A good LinkedIn Summary

    Here's how to write a LinkedIn summary that could help you land your dream job, according to a marketing director at LinkedIn You might approach..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Recruitment-in-Cyprus--236x168.jpg
    Oct 26, 2018
    Recruitment in Cyprus

    Recruitment in Cyprus - Thoughts and Ideas from Advance Career Team Read the detailed interview published on TopJobsCyprus website and share your comments and ideas!..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/find-career-clarity-236x168.png
    Oct 19, 2018
    Find Career Clarity!

    How To Find Career Clarity Using Three Top Career Theories Feeling like you need to make a career pivot because your job isn’t a good..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Integrators-VS-Segmentors-236x168.jpg
    Oct 12, 2018
    Integrators VS Segmentors

    Are your employees integrators or segmentors? An organization has both integrators and segmentors. Being a segmentor is a tough ask. If you choose to be..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/What-Motivates-You-to-Work-236x168.jpg
    Sep 21, 2018
    What Motivates You to…

    What Motivates You to Work? That paycheck will never be big enough if it's the only reason you're going to work. Each of us respond..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/update-your-cv-236x168.jpg
    Sep 14, 2018
    Update Your Resume

    Updating Your Résumé Might Mean Updating Yourself It seems like a total no-brainer: you should update your résumé and online profiles when you are job..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Tap-Into-Your-Motivation-236x168.jpg
    Sep 7, 2018
    Tap Into Your Motivation!

    Putting Yourself In Drive: How To Tap Into Your Motivation The one common component in every great success story is motivation: an ever-elusive elixir that..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/77-236x168.jpg
    Aug 31, 2018
    Enhancing your job search

    How To Bounce Back When The Job Search Gets You Down With a dream job in mind, an updated résumé in hand and responses to..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/social-media-236x168.jpg
    Aug 17, 2018
    Social media can cost…

    When 'What Happens In Vegas' Ends Up In Your Job Search   What happens in Vegas really doesn’t stay there. That “funny” picture about that..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/emotional-intelligence-236x168.jpg
    Aug 3, 2018
    Emotional Intelligence at Workplace

    How To Develop More Emotionally Intelligent Employees In the quest to develop leaders who will foster a culture of equity and inclusion in the workplace,..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Are-you-ready-to-succeed-236x168.jpg
    Jul 27, 2018
    Are you ready to…

    The Difference Between People Who Succeed and People Who Flop Successful people charge forward, take calculated risks, and come out on top because of it...

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/hiring-236x168.jpg
    Jul 6, 2018
    Hiring the right people?

    5 Steps to Hiring the Right People for Your Business "Hire slow, fire fast" is great advice, but it's not always easy to follow. The..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Ready-for-Entrepreneurial-Success-236x168.jpg
    Jun 29, 2018
    Ready for Entrepreneurial Success?

    4 Entry-Level Jobs That Will Prep You for Entrepreneurial Success Success is a journey, not a destination, so think hard about where to start. Entrepreneurship..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/worklife-balance-236x168.jpg
    Jun 22, 2018
    Simple Work-Life Balance

    Work-Life Balance Is Simple. To Succeed at Work, Get a Life. With the right balance of health and business, entrepreneurs can maximize productivity. The Organization..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/inclusion-236x168.jpg
    Apr 5, 2018
    Inclusion in the Workplace

    Inclusion Doesn’t Mean Including Everything and Everyone Inclusiveness is not about thought policing. It’s also not about turning everyone into a liberal. It’s a normal..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/frustrated-leader-236x168.jpg
    Feb 23, 2018
    Leadership Role but Unprepared…

    You Were Promoted To A Leadership Role But You Feel Unprepared - Don't Panic You’ve been at the job for years. As much as you..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Fail-at-Switching-Jobs-236x168.png
    Feb 16, 2018
    Fail at Switching Jobs?

    This Is the No. 1 Reason Why People Fail at Switching Jobs (and What to Do About It) There's a reason changing careers is so..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/happy-job-236x168.jpg
    Feb 2, 2018
    A Technique To Get…

    Didn't Get Your Dream Job? This 1 Technique Could Get You a Second Chance Every job seeker experiences this at least once, if not several..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Make_2018_a_Productive_Year-236x168.png
    Jan 12, 2018
    Make 2018 a Productive…

    11 Expert Tips To Make 2018 Your Most Productive Year Ever Could eating cake for breakfast and never listening to your voicemail help you get..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/SMART_Career_Goals_for_2018-236x168.png
    Dec 22, 2017
    Career Goals for 2018

    How to Set Your Career Goals for 2018 and Achieve Them Each New Year offers the opportunity for a fresh start—and that includes your career...

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/employee-meeting-236x168.jpg
    Nov 24, 2017
    HR Function in 2024

    Will You Be Leading an HR Function in 2024? Here are five things to look at to examine and determine if you’ve got what it..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/happy-colleagues-giving-five-236x168.jpg
    Nov 10, 2017
    Your Impact at Work!

    What Is Your Impact? We keep throwing this word around called "impact." Do you know what your impact is and how would you define, discover,..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Jeff-Weiner-LinkedIns-CEO-236x168.jpg
    Oct 27, 2017
    Inspiring Career Advice

    LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner's 3 Best Pieces of Career Advice Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn's CEO, has had nothing short of a successful career. After graduating from..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/man-carries-box-236x168.png
    Sep 15, 2017
    Lost your Job?

    Nine Things You Should and Shouldn't Do If You Lose Your Job Most of us wouldn’t think to associate the words "joblessness" and "fun," but..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/b9930ef7a9f3536545b9e91ac8aca54c-job-opening-career-development-236x168.jpg
    Sep 8, 2017
    Why Risk Is A…

    Why Risk Is A Necessary Component To A Successful Career - And How To Balance Risk With Reward Taking at least some risk is necessary..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/young-woman-studying-on-laptop-236x168.jpg
    Aug 16, 2017
    Write your first CV

    It's all about potential: how to write a CV with no work experience Follow these tips to stand out among competing candidates – from research..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/business-executives-having-meal-236x168.jpg
    Aug 10, 2017
    Friends and Career

    Being Too Busy for Friends Won’t Help Your Career Friendship matters. Everything we do to succeed in our careers is improved when we’re supported by..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/man-climbing-stairs-to-heaven_1154-38-236x168.png
    Jun 30, 2017
    Career Development

    Think Strategically About Your Career Development In a world where the average employee sends and receives 122 emails per day and attends an average of..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/young-businesswoman-thoughtful--236x168.jpg
    Jun 2, 2017
    Advance Your Career

    How To Advance Your Career In A Crappy Entry-Level Job Yes, you can still bring yourself one step closer to snagging that dream job even..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/jobline-blog-8-3-236x168.jpg
    May 8, 2017
    Interview Preparation

    Interviews are generally regarded as the primary decision-making event in any recruitment process. Regardless of your academic credentials or career thus far, it is crucial..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/jobline-blog-9-3-236x168.jpg
    Apr 3, 2017
    Interview questions you have…

    Studies have shown that structured interviewing is more than twice as reliable a predictor of future employee performance than unstructured interviewing. That is why most..

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  • https://www.advancecareer.com.cy/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/jobline-blog-7-3-236x168.jpg
    Mar 19, 2012
    Job Search Tips That…

    Cyprus unemployment has been steadily increasing monthly since 2008 and is getting closer to double digits (January 2012 Eurostat figure – 9.6%). However there are..

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