Post-Pandemic Talent Trends: What Companies Should Know

Post-Pandemic Talent Trends What Companies Should Know

During the pandemic important changes happen in the workplace for many businesses and companies around the world. Today, after the pandemic has eased, we still sustain those changes we needed to follow back then. Those changes are sustained because they are effective or convenient.

As a recruitment agency in Cyprus we are aware about the differences created in the post-pandemic workplace. This blog post will focus on those changes, the reasons companies are choosing to sustain these changes and what this means for their employees.

Hybrid and Remote Working Options

During the pandemic many companies went hybrid or remote to sustain social distancing in the workplace. Now companies continue to offer their employees the option to work for home some days during the week. 

It continues because it is valuable for the employees. During the pandemic working from home was tested and proven efficient. The technology and software used during the pandemic proved that an employee can work from home sustaining the quality of their work and commuting with the team. 

This is the reason employees around the world are now demanding the option for hybrid working as it provides them with flexibility and it is convenient for them without interfacing with their responsibilities.

Companies should be aware of this new trend and should consider if they will provide it as the number of employees demanding this perk has increased. Apart from remote working, many candidates are looking for flexible working, more specifically the ability to choose which hours throughout the day will work either from home or the office.

AI Tools, Automation and Software

During the pandemic and the rise of AI technology, many companies include automation tools to improve their service and free time for their employees to fulfil their other tasks. Moreover, they use software for team organisation and online meetings.

Companies continue to use these automation tools until today in many sectors, like customer service. For example, they are often found as AI chatbots and employees have learned to use them and combine their skills with automation tools to help customers in the best way possible. Also, automated emails save time for the employees and accelerate client satisfaction as they feel their needs fulfilled immediately.

Many companies had to train their employees to use these softwares, and give them time to adjust. This is the reason companies recruiting new candidates appreciate applicants who have worked with automation tools or software that is the same or similar to theirs. However, companies should keep providing support and training to both their established employees and the new ones. It is valuable for them to stay up to date with the latest updates and feel supported while doing that.

Upskilling is Important

As we mentioned earlier, new technologies arose during the pandemic and many employers supported their employees in learning new skills. Online seminars were a popular trend and employees were inspired to learn new skills that had the purpose of helping them in their professions and sometimes even in their personal life.

Those upskilling seminars could have been informative, technical or even a form of coaching to guide employees. Overall employees felt supported and inspired during these seminars. This is the reason why companies continue to offer seminars to their employees, now they even can register them to in person seminars or bring the trainers/speakers to the workplace.

This trend shows companies that employees are ready to learn and use those skills. Furthermore companies should consider that offering education to employees is not only valuable for their job but also for their mental health. Many businesses include company events and seminars in their social media to promote their supporting work culture.

Final Thoughts

Many changes happened during the pandemic, some still apply through this day because of the functionality they offer to many companies and their employees. These changes are shaping many workplaces around the world, and employees demand and look for these trends. It is significant for companies to recognize that and be able to include some of them in their work culture.

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